Our Iridomyrmex bicknelli colony
Here at Gamergate we've been slowly growing our ant colonies.
This Iridomyrmex bicknelli colony has finally started to grow exponentially. At this stage huge amount of eggs are laid each week by CLARA to keep growth moving forward.
They'll soon go into diapause where growth will halt temporarily until warmer weather will return.
A simple 3D printed test tube connector from the new Ants Everything brand.
A founding style "growable" nest from Antz For All.
In an unfortunate case of bad timing, a live TV interview in Australia has been interrupted by a mating swarm of ants during their nuptial flight.
Ants Australia made a really big impact on the formicarium market with their Ytong Nests that they released earlier this year. Now they're introducing a new range of acrylic nests!
Although we're a little late to the party, Ants Australia released their next video in their docu series titles, Wood Ants.