Winter Is Coming for These Argentine Ant Invaders
This fantastic short film by Deep Look, a collaboration between the brilliant KQED San Francisco and PBS Digital Studios, is a fantastic insight into the enigmatic Argentine ant and the discovery of another species, the winter ant, that's bringing this invasive juggernaut to a halt.
A simple 3D printed test tube connector from the new Ants Everything brand.
A founding style "growable" nest from Antz For All.
In an unfortunate case of bad timing, a live TV interview in Australia has been interrupted by a mating swarm of ants during their nuptial flight.
Ants Australia made a really big impact on the formicarium market with their Ytong Nests that they released earlier this year. Now they're introducing a new range of acrylic nests!
Although we're a little late to the party, Ants Australia released their next video in their docu series titles, Wood Ants.