The Crustacean Business District

Fill the twisting tunnels and chambers of this hebel/YTONG creation with your favorite species and watch the hustle and bustle of everyday ant life unfold before your eyes. 

I have decided to make this piece with a larger out world than my other Crustacean models. The way it overhangs the base like a hanging hotel pool gives it a designer look which is stabilized in place with neodymium magnets. 

A water tower hydration system for peace of mind ensures that the nest area will stay humid for longer. A 16mm test tube access port, removable magnetized viewing screens, and nest covers make for easy cleaning. These formicariums can also be connected to each other with short lengths of vinyl tubing for colony expansion. 

With a few three way connectors there is no limit to how many CrazyLegs creations you could join together. The Crustacean business district checks all the points of a top shelf formicarium. 

Currently no lid has been made for this model but the tall tank is the perfect candidate for some insect slip from a trusted brand like byFormica and new residents could be introduced straight away.